- 1. Airway – Clear the airway of secretions or obstructions.
- 2. Breathing – Fold your hand over the muzzle to prevent air from escaping from the lips, then blow into the nose. Make sure that the chest wall expands when you blow into the nose. Breathe at approximately 20-40 breaths per minute.
- 3. Cardiovascular – With the dog laying with the right side down, kneel against his back and place your hands over the middle 1/3 of the ribs at the level of the armpit. Compress the chest at approximately 80-120 compression per minute. Feel the pulse at the femur (inside of thigh) when you compress to assure that and place it under the chest wall to achieve more efficient compressions if necessary. If you are alone compress four times and then breathe once and repeat.
Source: ACE Academy for Canine Educators
Just as you and I carry a personal EDC in our daily lives the same is true of BigLenny. Whenever we leave the house at least one if not both of BigLenny’s EDC’s come with us. In my past I became used to having a prepacked Pouch/Bag/Pack ready to go dependent upon the situation/need/mission/etc. This got me a little spoiled or what my wife now calls a BAG SNOB. She uses “Bag” interchangeably for pouches, bags and packs, but the SNOB remains the same.
What can I say? I like my “bags”!
Anyway back to BigLenny. When I dove into the Service Dog Training I began learning about what was required of us including keeping a Canine E Kit. After seeing what I would need to carry I decided it made sense to create two EDC’s. One Small EDC – E Kit for every occasion including quick, light trips and one Large EDC – E Kit for longer, extended trips and or with a larger number of dogs. Anytime I go anywhere, my Service Dog BigLenny goes with me so one of these EDC’s goes with us as well. Now these do not replace my EDC. These are completely different and stand-alone.
List of items in both the small and large kits:
K9 First-Aid Kits:
#1 Small Med Kit
1 – Roll adhesive plaster 2.5 x 5 cm
1 – Elastic bandage 6 x 50 cm
3 – Elastic bandages, 6 x 10 cm
1 – Bandage packet, large, sterile
3 – Bandage packets, medium, sterile
1 – Burn dressing, 60 x 80 cm, sterile
3 – Bandage packets for burns, sterile
3 – Gauze bandages, medium
6 – Gauze bandages, 8 x 4 cm
1 – Packet containing 5 cellulose gauze compresses, 10 x 10 cm, sterile, individually packed
5 – Triangular bandages, 96 x 96 x 136 cm natural white
1 – Pair of bandage scissors, length 14 cm
12 – Safety pins
1 – Piece of white chalk
#2 Large Med Kit:
1 - Medicated Spray
2 - Butterfly Wound Closure
1 - Elbow/Knee Adhesive Bandage, Fabric
4 - Easy Access Bandages, Fabric, Knuckle
4 - Easy Access Bandages, Fabric, Fingertip
10 - Easy Access Bandages, Fabric, 1" x 3"
10 - Easy Access Bandages, Plastic, 1" x 3"
10 - Easy Access Bandages, Plastic, 3/4" x 3"
10 - Easy Access Bandages, Plastic, 3/8" x 11/2"
4 - Adhesive Spot Bandage, Plastic, 7/8" x 7/8"
3 - After Bite Insect Sting and itch Relief Wipe
2 - GlacierGel Blister & Burn Dressing
1 - Moleskin Blister Pad, 2" x 4"
1 - Tweezers
1 - First Aid Tape, 1/2" x 10 Yards
2 - Antihistamine (diphenhydramine 25mg)
10 - Cotton-Tipped Applicator
1 - AfterBurn Gel, 2oz
1 - Combine Pad, 5" x 9"
4 - Sterile Gauze Dressing, 4" x 4"
4 - Sterile Gauze Dressing, 3" x 3"
2 - Non-Adherent Pad, 2" x 3"
1 - Conforming Gauze Bandage, 2" x 4.1 yards
2 - Medical Grade Gloves
1 - Triangular Bandage
1 - Elastic Bandage, 2"
1 - Instant Cold Compress
2 - Wooden Finger Splint
3 - Assorted Safety Pins
4 - Ibuprofen, 200 mg
4 - Aspirin, 325mg
4 - Non-Aspirin, 500mg
1 - CPR Breathing Barrier
1 - Emergency Reflective Blanket
1 - Emergency First Aid Guide
1 - EMT Shears
Credit: @BigT, OneTigris LiFE Ambassador