Overall my experience with the harness has been amazing. Here are the reasons why.
(Can't see video? Click here to watch it on YouTube.)
The Fit - This harness is adjustable which makes a perfect fit for your dog. My dog was able to walk around, run, and play with this on.

The Harness - This harness is lightweight but very strong. I personally like light weighted gear so does my dog. The structure of this harness design is phenomenal.
The material - It is very strong and is the sew-on pieces. Durning the snow times and rain the harness was perfectly fine with getting wet. Patches stick very well to it and you don't have to worry about your patches falling off.
The Design Look - I like that the harness looks very professional especially for working dogs. The velcro on the sides is a great size with putting any kind of patches on it. It's big enough to make the patches stand out. So is for the middle velcro patch placement. I like that this harness is a y-front because in the past when I had straight harnesses the vest will tilt to the side and I did not have a problem with this at all when reviewing and using this harness. I love the placement of the harness as well. It was a great touch to make the harness longer on the dog's back. I also liked that it came with two d-rings and where the placement is on top and in the back of the harness. I like the different types of handles on the harness and where they are placed.

Movement & Protection - It stays straight on my dog all the time. Even when he is running around getting exercise. His movement is not impaired at all and he seems super comfortable. The harness does not pinch my dog with any activity or putting it on.
Taking On And Off Vest - The harness is very simple on how to put it on and take it off. The clips were easy to connect and disconnect.
Thank you for letting us be a part of gear testing for you guys! Such a fantastic company and I'm grateful we were able to be apart of it!

Credit: @Ozzytheservicedog, 1TG

I was super excited to test this harness out with Luke!
First things first, I get excited when I get a harness from you because you have great packaging! I blogged about this, I like the presentation.
The Fit - The added Velcro in the mid section is brilliant! I had fun just playing around with the fit getting it right and not too snug on Luke. It helps keep the harness in place and adds another layer to how this harness fits in general. I really liked how it fit and the metal buckles are super quiet and easy. Luke reacts to sounds including loud buckles snapping in place so I really appreciate a good quiet buckle. The straps are super easy to adjust and tuck in nice and neat. The only thing I might suggest a change on is that the chest section doesn’t fully clip off which can be nice when your dog is iffy about putting things on. This does not however affect the overall function and fit.

Handles, Connections and Patches - This harness knocks it out of the park! I have used the control handles on this 3 times now with amazing success. I have mentioned that Luke is highly reactive and strong puller. A leash alone will not do and although I have used handles before I really love the placement of these and that the middle one is vertical. I have the leash handle and left hand on the middle handle and my right hand on my second leash and on the top handle and Luke went absolutely nowhere, he even calmed down faster then he normally does when he gets set off on a walk. Super sturdy, well thought out and great placement, I so could of used this in October! I love the multiple connection points as well, I tried them all because I like to see how they hold up to a morning field of bunny pulls. No better way to test strength then to see if it will hold on a good hard lunge, these did and those bunnies were sure glad! As for patch space, so much room fro attachments and patches. This harness offers a lot of space and options. Because Luke likes a good hard roll in the grass I carry the pouches on my own tactical gear however he now has way more of his patches to show off and I might make him start carrying stuff again when on leash.

Durability - The material and durability are great. The harness is lighter then I thought it would be and the quality is great. I have had other harnesses that have frayed almost immediately, not this one. I give this 5 out of 5 stars on material, weight and durability. It is a tough harness and that is exactly what I need when it comes to Luke because he is a tough dog. He was comfortable and he put this harness through the gears. We had snow that became slush and then ice and he threw himself into the ground with as much gusto as he could and the harness held up. The buckles and fabric are doing fine, he has rolled in snow, ice, grass and mud so far and the only sign it has happened is the grass stuck in his patches and the mud (most of it just falls off on it’s own). Buckles are all holding up, no fraying and still looks great.

Movement & Protection - Luke is a bit stiff when he first gets dressed, he has always been that way, he does limber up quicker in the harness. His movement is not impaired at all and he seems super comfortable. He has chased rabbits, played stick and gone running with our dog. I think he moves better in the harness then his last one and I believe it is because it fits better and is lighter. I really like the overall length of this harness, I feel like his underside is better protected vs his last harness. I am hyper vigilant with Luke because of his reactivity but no matter how careful you are there is always a risk that you can be caught off guard, I feel secure that his vitals are covered and that the material is tough enough to absorb a lot of damage.

I give the X Destroyer K9 Harness a 5 out of 5. This is a great harness. I’m happy, my dog is happy. I would purchase this harness in multiple sizes and use it on any dog, I would use this on my cat if it came in his size. After the first few days I started checking out the collars and wound up ordering your #08 to go with this (I really like that buckle!).
Thank you once again for choosing us to test this out. This is my favorite harness to date, it really did tick all of my boxes.

Credit: @Jeditrainer, 1TG
For the last few weeks a couple of my dogs have been trying out the X Destroyer K9 harness. Right out of the box the harness is very impressive. Fantastic look and I could tell the quality of it just be looking.
I have 3 very different shaped dogs. A pitt bull, Catahula and a Husky. The harness is very adjustable and was able to accommodate 2 of my dogs. Lola the pitt bull and Nibbler the Catahula. Both dogs are built very differently. Lola is very round and Nibbler is very lean. The velcro and the adjusting straps made it so the harness could be used on both.
We like to go walking at the lake and I like that the bottom of the harness protects the belly and chest of my dog. Helps to reduce the number of scratches they get when going over rough terrain. The connection points of the harness are made of heavy materials the will last a long time. I live in Texas and the summers are pretty warm. I would like it if there was an option for maybe a mesh or more breathable panel for the under side so they would not be as prone to overheat.
The X Destroyer was a huge success. Thank you very much for allowing us to try the harness. We love it!!!

Credit: @ssmax_4, 1TG